During a full home inspection, Sure Sight Home Inspection, Inc. will review all major systems in the home as shown below.
This is a partial list of what is included in a typical full home inspection. For a complete list of inspected items, including inspection exclusions and limitations, please read the North Carolina Home Inspectors Licensure Board Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.

Columns or piers

Wall claddings
Flashings and trim
Exterior doors and windows
Garage doors and openers
Decks, balconies, stoops, steps, areaways, porches and associated railings
Eaves, soffits, and fascia
Vegetation, grading, drainage, driveways, patios, walkways, and retaining walls

Roof coverings
Roof drainage systems
Skylights, chimneys, and roof penetrations

Interior water supply and distribution system
Interior drain, waste, and vent system
Water heaters
Fuel storage and distribution systems
Sump pumps

Service entrance conductors
Service equipment
Branch circuit conductors and over current devices
Ceiling fans, lighting fixtures, switches and receptacles located inside the house, garage, and exterior walls

Heating and Air Conditioning
Heating and cooling equipment
Normal operating controls
Readily visible chimneys, flues, and vents
Solid fuel heating devices
Distribution systems, including fans, pumps, ducts, and piping

Walls ceilings and floors
Steps, stairways, balconies, and railings
Counters and built-in cabinets
Interior doors and windows

Insulation and Ventilation
Insulation and vapor barriers
Ventilation of attics and foundation areas
Kitchen, bath, and laundry venting system

Built-In Kitchen Appliances
Permanently-installed dishwashers
Range, cook top, and/or ovens
Trash compactors
Garbage disposals
Venting appliances such as range hoods
Permanently-installed microwave ovens