Request an Inspection

To obtain a price quote and request an inspection, please complete the form below. A full home inspection usually begins at 8:30 a.m. as the inspection can take 3-5 hours onsite. Note that completing this form does not set an appointment. We will follow up with you via email upon receipt of your information to give a price quote and set up your appointment.

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Buyer/home owner name
Copy my real estate agent on emails (scheduling, confirmation, report)?

About the property

Address of property to be inspected
Type of structure
Type of foundation

Services requested

What kind of home inspection do you need?
Add infrared thermal imaging to your inspection? (additional fee)
Add radon testing to your inspection? (additional $140 fee when completed with inspection)
Add WDIR (termite inspection)? (additional $85 fee)
The inspection covers the main house structure and attached garages. Are there any detatched structures such as detached garages or guest house you would like inspected? (additional fee) *Storage shed are note inspected
Are there any special features to the home? (e.g., in-law suite in basement)
Is the property a foreclosure?
Is the property in distressed condition?