Sure Sight Home Inspection was the first home inspection company in the Triangle to offer infrared thermal imaging. By understanding the thermal patterns created by different building materials, a trained thermographer can use thermal imaging during a home inspection to evaluate insulation, electrical wiring, and water penetration. We offer a general thermal imaging scan of the home as an add-on service in any of our full home inspections or pre-listing/maintenance consultations.
What is infrared thermal imaging?
All objects whose temperatures are above absolute zero (–459.67 degrees Fahrenheit) emit infrared radiation. Infrared thermal imaging uses a specialized camera to create images from infrared radiation (heat) instead of visible light. Thus, thermal imaging allows us to see differentials in temperature that are invisible to the naked eye.

How is thermal imaging used in a home inspection?
By understanding the thermal patterns created by different building materials, a trained thermographer can use thermal imaging during a home inspection to evaluate: